Success. Social media. Invasion of privacy

Цей урок є авторською розробкою засновника проекту “English4every1”, посилання на цей ресурс є обов’язковою умовою його використання з навчальною метою.

I. Warming-up discussion


What is the definition of success? Is success indispensable for being happy? What are the key components of success? Who (what kind of person, in regard to character) usually succeeds in life? Can you describe the collective image of a person who has been successful? Will you please describe a story of success (it might be yours or another person’s) to your partner? What leads to success? Why do so many people reach success and then fail?

Social media

What social networking sites do you use? What are some good points about social networking? What are some bad points about social networking? Do you have a Facebook page? Do you use Twitter? What information do you have on your webpage? What kind of information are you comfortable releasing to the public? Do your parents use social networking sites? What type of information should you put on social networking sites? What are your privacy settings on Facebook? How can using social networking sites invade your privacy?

An invasion of privacy

What is privacy? How do you maintain your privacy at home? What are some reasons why privacy is important for you? Do you think the government has the right to read your email? What do you think about being fingerprinted when you enter a country? How have you invaded someone’s privacy without realizing it was important for that person? To what extent do public officials have a right for privacy? How can the press balance freedom of expression with respect for privacy? In your opinion, which of the following pose a threat to privacy? cookies on your PC, CCTV in supermarkets, safety cameras in the street, employers monitoring employees’ use of the internet and email, hidden cameras in private homes (e.g. to check on babysitters), RFID “spy chips” (= radio frequency identification tags: microchips, which are used to identify things), banks keeping tabs on your financial history, mobile phones with tracking systems

Group discussion. Divide the class into 3 groups. Strongly against our building a surveillance society and those who like living under surveillance. The middle groups should make a choice which group they’d join as soon as the debate is over.

II.  Listening comprehension


to keep tab(s) on 1) вести учёт (чего-л.) 2) следить за (чем-л.)

CCTV от closed circuit television замкнутая телевизионная система

RFID от Radio Frequency Identification; радиочастотная идентификация

indispensable – обязательный

rookie -новичок, новобранец

graduate school последипломный курс, магистратура

grit – твёрдость характера, выдержка, стойкость

perseverance – настойчивость

stamina – запас жизненных сил; выдержка

mind(-)set – склад ума

“8 secrets of success” by Richard St. John

Before listening activity

What leads to success?

While listening activity

The things that lead to success. Put them in the order as they are mentioned in the speech:

Be good at smth <-> Focus <-> Persist <-> Passion <-> Pushing yourself<-> Work <-> Serve others <-> Ideas


What does C.R.A.P stand for? In which context is the abbreviation mentioned?

 “Success is a continuous journey” by Richard St. John

Before listening  activity

What can you associate the word “success” with? Brainstorm with your partner some metaphors that are revealing a true essence of success. Why do so many people reach success and then fail?

Follow-up What happened with the storyteller? Why did he end up in a total failure? How long did it take to regain the loss? What conclusions have you made?

 “The key to success?” by Angela Lee Duckworth

Before listening activity If you had a key to success, what would it be like? What factors matter most, psychological, intellectual or social with regard to being successful?

Follow-up What is the definition of “grit”? Does talent make you gritty? Are you gritty?

III. Mosaic of a successful busineess

Students work in small groups.

You should choose 5 key components for building a successful business; lay them out in the order of priority. Get ready to defend your group’s mosaic.

  1. Target

You are not all things to all people. Decide on your niche–narrow your focus and broaden your appeal.


  1. Be Different

If your competitors are doing it, don’t. Stand out from an overcrowded marketplace where so much of the advertising and products look the same.

  1. Build a Team

Don’t hire an employee to fill a position. Employ a person to be part of a team to build your business.


  1. Be Fast

Time is the most precious commodity. When delivery is expected Friday, show up Thursday afternoon. Return calls and emails now.


  1. Say Thank You

A lot. Tell your customers and employees how much you appreciate them. Better yet, do it the old fashioned way: take pen to paper and write them a note.


  1. Be Consistent

Make sure your business has a consistent look and feel. A customer must get the same flavor from everyone within your organization. Always.


  1. Smile

Throw out the reasons you think people buy from you like price, product quality or your warranty. They buy because they like you.

  1. Fanatical Optimism

The glass must always be half full. Attitude will always win out in the end and infect all of those around you.

  1. Sell Soft

Don’t ever hard sell. Solve problems. Satisfy wants. Do what is truly best for your customer.


  1. Leave Your Comfort Zone

Never accept the idea that this is the way you’ve always done it. Never accept that a new idea or technology could never work for you.


  1. Hire the Right Person at the Right Time

There are three stages in the commercialization process and not everyone is suited for every stage.

12.  Make Deals CarefullyThere is a difference between doing deals and doing the right deals.


  1. Persistence

Most of all, to get out of the rat race, you need persistence. You need to fall on your face and get back up.


  1. Be a Salesperson

Never underestimate how important it is to be able to sell. Selling is absolutely critical to your success, so if you have an aversion to it, you’d better get over that fast.

  1. Build Rapport

Building rapport means building respect, a reputation, and hopefully key alliances along the way.

16. Stay Focused
The old saying that “Rome was not built in a day” applies here. Stay focused on achieving your short-term goals and give the rest time to come together on its own.