Цей урок є авторською розробкою засновника проекту “English4every1”, посилання на цей ресурс є обов’язковою умовою його використання з навчальною метою.
Employment: how to write a successful CV, job interview
Part # 1 Employment
How many hours a week is full time employment in Ukraine? How much is minimum wage? How should a person resign from a job? Should a person reapply to the same company? Have you ever worked as a casual worker? Can an employer change one’s job description? Do you have to give two weeks notice before leaving a job? How can you avoid employment scams? Have you ever been a victim of employment scam?
Part # 2 Job interview
a) Interview each other in pairs with these questions:
What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? How do you handle stress and pressure? Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it. How do you evaluate success? Why are you leaving or have left your job? Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you? What are your goals for the future? Tell me about yourself.
Make notes of your partner’s answer and report back to the group on why you’d / wouldn’t hire your partner.
Part # 3 Writing a CV
a) Match the explanations with the headings
Basic facts about you
Educational history
Details about your working life
Employment history
If you are married or single
Hobbies and interests
People who can tell us about your qualities and character
Date of birth
Practical abilities
Personal details
Schools and colleges
What you do in your free time
When you were born
Marital status
b) Complete a-h headings in the CV from the list above.
Video fragment # 1 “Job Interview: An Expert’s Tips”
I. Before you watch
Which adjectives would describe a good interviewee for a job, and which would not?
Which of the adjectives would you use to describe Sam in her first interview? Which of the adjectives would you use for her second interview? Can you think of any others?
III. After you watch
Which interview techniques does Phyllis talk about? What tips do other people suggest in regard to job interview?
Video fragment # 2 – Andrew McAfee: “What Will Future Jobs Look Like?”
Preparation stage
How do you understand these proverbs: “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences” and “Work saves a man from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.”
thorny – трудный, противоречивый (о вопросе и т.п.)
vicious – порочный
inequality – неравенство
trap – ставить ловушки, ограничивать (в перемещении), заключать (куда-л.)
dystopian – безысходный
inject – впрыскивать, вводить, впускать
diverge – расходиться, не совпадать
overwhelming – подавляющий; превосходящий
severe – серьёзный, тяжёлый, сильный
After watching activities:
What challenges might the Humanity face in the new machinery age?
How might the unemployment trend be changing in regard to different workers (i.e. white-collar workers or blue-collar workers? What can be done to prevent inevitable drawbacks of the new machinery age?
��� 22 2013
Employment: how to write a successful CV, job interview tips
Цей урок є авторською розробкою засновника проекту “English4every1”, посилання на цей ресурс є обов’язковою умовою його використання з навчальною метою.
Employment: how to write a successful CV, job interview
Part # 1 Employment
How many hours a week is full time employment in Ukraine? How much is minimum wage? How should a person resign from a job? Should a person reapply to the same company? Have you ever worked as a casual worker? Can an employer change one’s job description? Do you have to give two weeks notice before leaving a job? How can you avoid employment scams? Have you ever been a victim of employment scam?
Part # 2 Job interview
a) Interview each other in pairs with these questions:
What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? How do you handle stress and pressure? Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it. How do you evaluate success? Why are you leaving or have left your job? Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you? What are your goals for the future? Tell me about yourself.
Make notes of your partner’s answer and report back to the group on why you’d / wouldn’t hire your partner.
Part # 3 Writing a CV
a) Match the explanations with the headings
b) Complete a-h headings in the CV from the list above.
Video fragment # 1 “Job Interview: An Expert’s Tips”
I. Before you watch
Which adjectives would describe a good interviewee for a job, and which would not?
self-confident relaxed boastful casual overqualified outgoing determined
awkward well-dressed aggressive charming sophisticated amiable
II. While you watch
Which of the adjectives would you use to describe Sam in her first interview? Which of the adjectives would you use for her second interview? Can you think of any others?
III. After you watch
Which interview techniques does Phyllis talk about? What tips do other people suggest in regard to job interview?
Video fragment # 2 – Andrew McAfee: “What Will Future Jobs Look Like?”
Preparation stage
How do you understand these proverbs: “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences” and “Work saves a man from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.”
thorny – трудный, противоречивый (о вопросе и т.п.)
vicious – порочный
inequality – неравенство
trap – ставить ловушки, ограничивать (в перемещении), заключать (куда-л.)
dystopian – безысходный
inject – впрыскивать, вводить, впускать
diverge – расходиться, не совпадать
overwhelming – подавляющий; превосходящий
severe – серьёзный, тяжёлый, сильный
After watching activities:
What challenges might the Humanity face in the new machinery age?
How might the unemployment trend be changing in regard to different workers (i.e. white-collar workers or blue-collar workers? What can be done to prevent inevitable drawbacks of the new machinery age?
How to dress for a job interview
Visual resume tips
By admin • CV, english, job interview • 0