This is Siberia – over 1,000 metres below ground. And miners at Russia’s largest nickel mine were given the surprise treat of some cheerful music. Musicians swapped their stage costumes for hard hats and overalls for the day. The company says it’s all part of a plan to boost productivity and hope to hold more underground cultural activities to keep the positive attitude going.
�צ 3 2013
Russia’s largest nickel mine
This is Siberia – over 1,000 metres below ground.
And miners at Russia’s largest nickel mine were given the surprise treat of some cheerful music.
Musicians swapped their stage costumes for hard hats and overalls for the day.
The company says it’s all part of a plan to boost productivity and hope to hold more underground cultural activities to keep the positive attitude going.
Корисна лексика:
nickel mine – нікелева копальня
treat – задоволення, насолода
swapped – замінили (одне іншим)
boost productivity – збільшити продуктивність
positive attitude – позитивний настрій
By • BBC Ukraine • 0 • Tags: nickel mine, до шахти з музикою