Accounting and finance
We offer a special course for financiers which is worked out for those who work with financial documentation and accounting. They need English for business communication.
Having completed this course you will master financial terminology, improve your English speaking skills. You will learn how to lead successful business talks and correspondence.
The course “English for Accounting and finance” consists of these units:
Accounting and finance in a changing world
1 Developing global professionals
2 Establishing the profession worldwide
3 International Financial Reporting Standards
Reporting On performance
4 Annual financial statements
5 Company performance
6 Accounting for banks
Finance and investment
7 Overseas investment
8 Start-up capital
9 Options trading
Corporate environmental, social and governance issues
10 Green accounting
11 Responsible investing
12 Corporate governances
Risk management and failure
13 Investment credit rating
14 Company insolvency
15 Banking-a risky business
16 Scary audit jargon
17 Auditor liability
18 A clean report